Thursday, March 25, 2010

El Salvador Honors Monseñor Oscar Romero


A message from Wendy Wallace, Vermonter who has been living in El Salvador for decades:

Yesterday, the 30th Anniversary of the assassination of Oscar Arnulfo Romero, President Funes inaugurated a beautiful mural of Mons. Romero in El Salvador's only airport!!

 At that time he also asked the family of Mons. Romero for forgiveness, he asked the Salvadoran Church and Universal Church for forgiveness and he asked forgiveness to all the families that have been affected by this illegal violence which the Salvadoran state in some way supported.

Mons. Romero's younger brother, Gaspar, responded accepting the President's plea for forgiveness and saying that now Mons. Romero was no longer just San Romero de America, but rather San Romero del Mundo!!! Of course the Vatican has never declared Romero a saint, but the people of El Salvador, and the people of the world have already done that.

There were masses in his honor, marches, a myriad of t-shirt designs and flags and bracelets and posters, festivals, formal acts and people coming from around the world. The newly revised state TV station has been putting on a Romero documentary every day, all over there are signs and interviews and conmemorations. The President marched along with thousands in a candlelight procession last saturday night. I have witnessed so many things i never thought i would see in this country, it is an opening up, a deep relief and a time to celebrate and continue on with more hope and energy than before.

take good care, keep up the good work without losing your spirit.

besos, ww

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