KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa. (CBS) – Peace activists chose Good Friday to protest U.S. policies on defense spending, they say to “wage war.” They singled out Lockeed Martin, outside its facility in King of Prussia.
Brandywine Peace Community staff coordinator Robert Smith thinks U.S. policy should change to “money
for need, not for greed and war.”

“We’re talking about the largest war profiteer in the United States,” he tells KYW Newsradio.
Through prayers for peace, songs and bell tolling, the group also produced wooden crosses with signs decrying Lockeed Martin’s business
in drone technology.

In a non-violent protest, some of the demonstrators walked onto company property with those wooden props — modeled on the traditional Stations Of The Cross:
“We’re not here to be arrested,” Smith says. “What we’re here to do is to bring our message to Lockeed Martin, to say this place is a place of crucifixion, it has to stop.”
Smith says the defense budget is approaching a trillion dollars, of which he says Lockeed Martin receives an annual estimated income of $43-billion:
“We’re talking about the very engine behind the drone strikes, behind the wars.”