Sunday, April 26, 2015

Peace and Unity in Baltimore

From Julie Stecker:

I’ve seen a lot of frustrated posts ending in, "Stay classy, Baltimore." Today, during the march that led us from West ‪#‎Baltimore‬ to downtown, I witnessed true class. Peaceful protestors who followed the guidelines we were given, parents explaining to their children why we march and showing them firsthand that protests must be a part of any free society, and people looking out for one another's safety and security. A woman bumped into me by accident, apologized profusely, asked me my name, asked if I was from Baltimore, and thanked me for being there. When we were reading the guidelines that said what to do if you were wrestled to the ground, a man overheard us and said, "That's not going to happen to any of you on my watch." I experienced the most beautiful parts of the Baltimore community today. But the media that I love and respect will make the story about the people who showed up just to cause destruction and chaos. Do not forget the story of peace and unity that took over the streets of Baltimore today. Do not let destruction be the story we remember. ‪#‎FreddieGray‬ ‪#‎JusticeForFreddieGray‬

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